Finding The Perfect Business Coach Near Me

15th September

The Rise Of Entrepreneurship And The Importance Of Guidance

Many people want financial and work independence and start their own businesses. Investment in a business is both time-consuming and at times also expensive. Even if a startup is breaking even the opportunity costs are still there. You may make more money if you were working for someone else at that point. When you add the factor that most startups are created by technicians. Meaning that the business owners are product or service-centric but may lack the business skills required. When you consider these points the advent of finding the perfect business coach is truly a necessity. A business coach will provide you with a shorter roadmap than a business owner trying to advance their business through trial and error.

For instance, a startup has many assumptions that the business owner doesn’t realize that they are making. These assumptions stacked upon other assumptions present a real issue, as each assumption slows its progression towards its goals of success.

The business coach will identify the assumptions and provides guidance to either eliminate or shorten the time to move through them. This increases the business startup success. A business coach will not only provide personal growth as a leader but give real solutions based on theory and real experience through their many past and present clients. What about business owners who have been in business for many years? Continue reading after this brief introduction about me and why you should trust my advice.

Why Take My Advice?

I have been a business coach and consultant for more than three decades. My role in helping small and medium-sized businesses has been very rewarding. The issues that I currently solve and have solved in the past are challenging but truly satisfying. My dedication to small and medium-sized businesses continues and why I wrote and published ‘Leads Catcher for Service Businesses’ available on Amazon. This book was to assist businesses in generating business leads which is the lifeblood of an enterprise regardless of size.

What About a Mature Small or Medium Sized Business?

The role for a business coach is not just for startups but also for mature businesses. Regardless of size or number of years since its start all businesses will benefit from having one. Often business owners will settle for the success they have versus greater business success because they simply don’t know other available options. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know. A person will only try what they know versus other options or methodologies unless they are aware of them. To keep a business moving forward in a progression that is both manageable and acceptable, a business coach with real knowledge about local circumstances is invaluable.

What Does “Local Business Coach’ Truly Means

When we are speaking about a local business coach it is important to understand that the person has real knowledge and experience of their business environment. Today through virtual technology with virtual meetings that distance is shorter than ever before. Indeed, a business coach living across the country or even in another can be an effective coach for a local business. This is because business doesn’t change very much from one geographic region to another. The subtle nuances can be factored into any discussion or business plans without effort by the business coach. As a matter of fact, most successful business coaches today have clients beyond their borders.

For instance, online marketing is going to be very similar in Australia as it is in the United States or Great Britain. The wording used in campaigns will change a bit to reflect local colloquialisms, but the message is largely the same. Operations are virtually the same across these countries as are sales methodologies. These are just a few examples. What this means is that businesses don’t have to rely on only local talent but can go beyond their traditional geographic region to get the best-qualified business coaches at the best price.

How to Find the Perfect Business Coach Near Me

There are several factors to consider choosing the perfect business coach for yourself. They include the following:

Scheduling Flexibility

Finding the perfect business coach for you means that they are available at times that benefit you as well. Due to business commitments, you may not be available during regular business hours and may need evenings or weekends instead. Therefore, this consideration may be important to you.

Personality and communication style

It is important that you have a rapport with the business coach as transparency will benefit you. Without a good rapport, you may feel that you cannot trust the business coach. Should that be the case it will be detrimental to your business and personal growth.

Consulting Guarantee

Another consideration is whether the business coach has a guarantee. In the consulting industry this can take on many forms. It is best to shop around to limit your own risk and liability. A strong guarantee means that the business coach stands behind their work and is confident of the services they will provide.

What Are the Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Business Coach

1. Clarifying Vision and Goals

A business coach helps you define and clarify your goals, vision, and objectives and keeps you focused on them so that you can achieve them faster. These goals are usually in both categories of personal growth as well as business aspirations and objectives. This is more important than people may think because you need both categories to achieve business success.

Read Now: Top Ten Ways a Business Coach Can Help Your Business

2. Objective Perspective

A business coach is going to give you an unbiased perspective about everything said and done. This is a stark contrast to employees, or loved ones who may provide a biased opinion without the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience. It is important to obtain solutions to the challenges and direction the business needs from a knowledgeable person. An objective perspective based on the three elements is invaluable, leading to reduced business errors, time to achievements, and reduced business stress.

3. Improved Decision-Making

A good business coach is going to be your sounding board. They will provide options that you may not see, evaluate your possibilities, and assist you in making sound decisions that are aligned with your goals. The insights provided in marketing, sales, human resources, operations, Quality Control and Assurance, and other business facets are going to make you stronger as a business owner.

4. Improving Productivity and Efficiency

Most businesses are not aware that they have on average between 20-40% inefficiency in their business. This is a great opportunity for them, but they do not know how to reduce their inefficiency. A business coach will help you reduce this number and help reallocate the savings towards improving the business. Whether it is in marketing to generate more leads or in new applications, machines, and other business requirements that will enable your business to grow and thrive. A good coach will help you improve and optimize your processes and organizational productivity.

5. Navigating Challenges and Change

Change is a common occurrence in any business. Navigating the changes due to the marketplace, consumer preferences, or operational changes from new software, automation, or machinery is a norm today. The coach will assist you in creating a change management plan. They will provide you with guidance to make the changes required with as little stress to the organization as possible. It is important to understand that change causes tremendous stress on employees. They struggle to grasp how it will impact their positions and employment with the company. A good coach will be able to provide you with insights to reduce organizational risk, your stress, and the stress of your employees.

These five are the most common reasons but there are many more that are just as valid and important. These include stress management, development of new skills and knowledge, enhancing your leadership skills,  business growth strategies, and much more.

Preparing for Your First Business Coaching Session

Your first coaching session should start by ensuring that you have clear objectives of what success looks like to you. This should be communicated to your business coach prior to the first session. Knowing what success is to you will enable both of you to focus on what matters most ensuring that you achieve a good ROI from your business coaching investment.

Have as much information, documentation, and data to clearly outline the issues you are trying to solve. Your business coach needs to comprehend your challenges clearly and fully. Remember that honesty and openness is a cornerstone to great results in business coaching.


Hiring a local business coach will help your business and personal growth. You will grow as a leader by considering new concepts as well as strategies to overcome your current challenges. A business coach will provide you with real practical knowledge that will shorten your journey to your business goals. They will also provide you with unbiased feedback based on their skills, experience, and knowledge. They are an invaluable tool to catapult you towards the results you desire. Hiring a local business coach shouldn’t be restricted to your local geographic region. You may overlook talented coaches outside your immediate geographic area. Expanding your research beyond your immediate geographic region may also provide you with better pricing and therefore a better ROI.

Three FAQ’s You Need to Know

Why Hire a Business Coach?

Answer. Most business owners manage their business through a trial-and-error method. This is costly and time-consuming, and a business coach will shorten the journey and cost by providing real practical knowledge that works. They will also provide real unbiased feedback so that you are not making decisions alone. Their feedback will be based on your present circumstances and the experience they have gained through consulting in countless businesses.

How Much Does a Business Coach Cost?

Answer. Most business coaches charge on an hourly basis. Therefore, you should obtain a few quotes before a final decision is made. A great way to know if the business coach is confident is whether they offer a guarantee for their services. A business coach will charge you between $150/hour to $1,500/hour USD in the Western world including the United States, Great Britain, or Australia.

What Can a Business Coach Help With?

Answer. A business coach can help you with business leadership development and business growth. They will be able to navigate with you using best practices so that your business excels towards your goals. A business coach can assist you with Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, Operations, Purchasing, and much more. Ensure that you discuss your goals with the business coach before hiring them.

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Duarte Gouveia

Welcome to the world of Duarte Gouveia, a seasoned business consultant with over two decades of industry experience.

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Thanks! Keep sharing blogs like this



Good cheer to all on this beautiful day!!!!!

Good luck 🙂 Keep posting


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